Saturday 8 August 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

So having wanted to see this for a while hoping some how that it would be enjoyable nonsense that would at least wash our minds of X3: The Crap Stand I finally manged to see on a flight to the States. Let me just say this, UTTER RUBBISH! This movie really was a utter an shambles, we hurriedly get a little back story on Logan (sorry James) then we see a montage of him and Sabertooth-to be as they fight in the may different wars. Then a young Striker who of course we know from X2 hires them for his "special team" this is the point where I wanted to see more, get to know these interesting characters, see more of them of this team and maybe see them working together as more of a unit. The main problem is that they try and squash to many characters and to much information into one film, and when one of the characters is killed it feels like a wasted opportunity because they did absolutely nothing with them. The film it's self seemed to ignore all continuity, what happened to the drinking of the champagne after they successfully complete grafting the adamantiam to Wolverine that we see in X1? (or 2?). The "reveal" of the final villain at the end was dull to say the least, and I mean did they really do that in the comics, because that felt like another wasted character opportunity. Now I'm not a big CGI hater, I think when used right it can be a good tool but good god did they over do it in this film, now was it me or were his claws just ALL CGI in this? I could rant forever but let me say this, a few action scenes I did enjoy (Agent Zero flipping the guns in the air the beginning - that was pretty cool) and I was glad to finally see Gambit on screen (perhaps he could get his own film too? Or what that just be shit as well?) and despite this major fuck up I still think there are endless great possibility's to be had with the X-Franchise (am I the only one hoping for X-Men Origins: Colossus?). Here's the hoping the sequel is slightly better, I hear it's going to be set in Japan. Hopefully they'll focus a little more on the characters this time, and it wont be so scattered, and you know what the really sad thing is? I'm going to get this on DVD just so I have all the X-Men movies, ughhh. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I liked X3 a little (just a little) better.

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