Sunday 18 July 2010

2009 - 2010 Television Season

I'm not the most partial viewer but I love TV and these are my thoughts on this past TV season (all ratings are off the top of my head), I would think this goes without saying but beware spoilers!

V: Season 1 - D+

Wow could this have been so much
better, unfortunately it was just "there", it had a stellar cast and a great (though not original, obviously) premise. I haven't seen the original but I've heard it's way better, this was a letdown it wasn't terrible I just felt really indifferent towards it. Sometimes I wandered why I was watching it as I didn't care about the characters or the story that much - good thing it was only 12 episodes because if it has been 22 I wouldn't have lasted. Things did pick up in the last 2 episodes though so I'm hopeful for Season 2. (Bonus points for Elizabeth Mitchell and Laura Vandervoort)

Caprica: Season 1.0 - B+

This is cheating a little seeing as it's only the first half of Season 1 but I did really enjoy it. Great characters and interesting premise that set's itself apart from BSG, my main problem with it is that I can't figure what the driving force of season is as to what the story is. Aside from that I really think Alessandra Torresani shines as Zoe Graystone, hopefully SyFy will do the right thing and pick it up for Season 2.

Dollhouse: Season 2 - A-

Boy did this pick up a lot, fleshing out the story and characters finally giving Echo a personality so we had someone to root for, the second half especially raised the stakes with the highlight for me being episode 10: "The Attic". For obvious reasons the ending did feel rushed but I'm glad Joss and co got to close things of properly, and yeah I got a little emotional. It was fun while it lasted!

Chuck: Season 3 - A-

There's not much to say about Chuck, it isn't exactly the deepest of shows but it sure is fun. I'm so glad they decided to change things up this year because frankly the show could have become boring if they just keep delaying Chara (?) romance and keeping him in the car. Thank goodness they got them together and it didn't hurt the show in the slightest, the 2 pt finale was great and I look forward to meeting Chucks mum in Season 4.

Friday Night Lights: Season 4 - A

Another fantastic seaso
n of FNL, it was brave of them to completely change gears on the show, the only thing that really brings it down was them trying to fit 22 episodes worth of story into 13 episodes. Zach Gilford surely gave one the best performances this year in "The Son", and Amiee Teegarden was fantastic in episode 7 (?) after Matt left, she broke my heart. So glad to see the show get emmy recognition, looking forward to seeing some old faces in Season 5!

Fringe: Season 2 - A-

This is more like it, Season
2 gave us what we wanted by shifting the focus more to Peter and Walter without comprising the mythology in fact they improved upon it. The soldiers bit was somewhat similar to The X-Files and it felt a bit of a cop out that Olivia couldn't remember what happened in the alt verse in the premiere. Though the final was one of the best of the year, hopefully Season 3 doesn't disappoint.

Glee: Season 1 - B+

e I did love Glee's first season it looses point for some missteps in the story, it felt like it wasn't quite entirely sure how it was going to get where it wanted to go. Mr. Shue's wife got bum treatment when the writers turned her into some cliche villain type role in the back 9 episodes. That being said for the most past it was a blast, I think Quinn surprised me most as she turned into my favourite character when I thought I was going to hate her. The finale was excellent and I look forward to Season 2 with apprehensions, my worst fear is that they get lost in there own success like HEROES did.

Lost: Season 6 - B

As a whole I'
m not sure how I feel about this season, somethings I loved but mythology wise the show did frustrate me. I was happy with how it ended and it was satisfying to know there was more to the sideways flashes but I wanted to find out more concerning the mythology, why set up questions that are pretty important then not answer them? Still a lot's happened and I'm glad I stuck through it all.

Stargate Universe: Season 1 - B+

ter a slight rough start and the drab episode 3 this show really came into something of it's own, admittedly it does sometimes feel like the little brother of BSG and Lucian Alliance story in the last few eps felt a bit shoe horned in to raise the stakes. Other than I always look forward watching and the characters have really grown on me, especially Eli. It will be interesting to where they go with Season 2, hopefully they have a slightly better arc planned this time.

Supernatural: Season 5 - A

Up until now I've always said Supernatural gets bett
er as it goes along, unfortunately I don't think S5 exceed S4, the pacing felt slightly off, but it was still brilliant with loads of great episodes ("Changing Channels" was definitely a highlight) and an excellent finale that reminded me somewhat of the Buffy S6 finale. The CW's scheduling was completely out of whack though, I think it will work better as a whole on DVD.

Modern Family: Season 1 - A/Incomplete

Unfortunately I missed a bunch of episodes but I saw a large chunk of the season and enjoyed the hell out of it. It had great characte
rs (I loved Manny) funny stories with heart - definitely one to get on DVD.

24: Season 8 - D/Incomplete

Rinse and repeat th
at's what 24 does, cliche villains poor writing and characters that you don't care about with annoyingly pointless subplots, I didn't see all of Day 8 but I will just because it's the last season but frankly I'm glad it's over - 24 is way past it's prime. FUCK YOU 24!

Bones: Season 5 - Incomplete

And when I say incomplete I mean I watched the first episode and never saw the rest, I do plan to catch up though, I already have the DVD boxset reserved on my Lovefilm list.

The Vampire Dairies: Season 1 - Incomplete

I saw the first few episodes of this but lost track and never caught up, from what I saw it was decent but I hear it gets a lot better. I definitely pegged this as Twilight: The Series originally but it seemed like it could be more than that - hopefully I'm right.

Doctor Who: Ser
ies 5 - A

My favourite series of New Who to date, perhaps I had grown tired of David Tennant or maybe Russel T. Davies writing style but I welcomed the change. I loved Matt Smith as The Doctor and his new companion Amy Pond. The only story I wasn't overly fond of was the Dalek WWII one but other than that it was great season, I loved the resolution of the crack storyline and am so glad Amy and Rory will be sticking around for Series 6.

Being Human: Series 2 - B

Really enjoyed their second offering, was definitely on par if not bet
ter than S1. I still think drama stories don't have enough time to develop in 6-8 episode seasons, but it felt like they weren't squeezing as much in this year. My main problems with Series 2... what was the point of Annie turning corporeal? And I felt that the main villain became a little cliche towards the end turning into a more typical villain. Aside from that I really enjoyed it, looking forward to Series 3 and the American version.

Gavin & Stacey: Series 3 - B-

I'm sure
not what it was about S3 but it didn't quite have the pop of S1 & 2, Ness remained great though and loved seeing her as mother "tidy". I loved the way they ended it though and was glad they chose not to do Series 4.

Shows to look out for: PARENTHOOD
I need to see this show pronto, it has one of my favourite people ever in it, Lauren Graham - I've of course also heard it's an extremely good drama which will always catch my eye. Come on Uk don't force me to get it from an "American Aunt", pick up the show already, even if it's bloody ITV4!

I watch way too much Television!