Sunday 13 February 2011

Favourite Scenes from favourite shows.

Friday Night Lights, Season 2 episode 14 "Everybody leaves!"
Probably the highlight of the second season, Coach has finally had enough of Matt acting like douche and throws him the bath were Matt unleashes all sadness/anger he's been bottling up, a heart breaking scene that really showcased what an amazing actor Zach Gilford is, if I were him this would certainly be in my showreel.

Buffy, Season 3 episode 9 "Because it has to be"
An overall brilliant final scene to an amazing episode, Giles brings forth Anyanka in order to undo Cordelia's wish. A breath taking fight in slow motion in which we see all the main characters die within seconds of each other and Giles final line showing us how and completely and utterly miserable things really are, gives me chills.

Chuck, Season 2 episode 22 "Watch me for the changes"
Let's face any Jeffster "songtage" is epic (the most recent being "Push It" in 4x13) but this one is certainly a highlight, the shootout between fulcrum and the good guys when it turns into the real song and not Jeffster just brings to a whole new epicness. Not much to say on it but it's just so entertaining to watch.

Babylon 5, Season 3 episode 20 "And the rock cried out..."
A particularly haunting scene and one of B5's finest moments when G'Kar gets his revenge on Lord Refa. The church music set to Refa running away just works so perfectly and makes it all the more haunting, and of course the lyrics are representing what we are seeing on screen, it's really a stroke of genius.

The Shield, Season 2 episode 13 "Your gonna be taken care of"
This again is more of a "songtage" but displays the beauty of how everything came together/apart by the end of the season, and that brilliant look on Vic's face shifting from excitement to "oh shit what have we done", it was really this that became there undoing.

Dollhouse, Season 1 episode 13 "And they burned the house down"
Another "songtage", both depressing and hopeful at the same time, your not really sure whether the pictures are of people died or just something left behind, a brilliant cap on the series and would have a great ending for the show, though I'm glad it wasn't.

Homicide: Life on the Street, Season 4 episode 2 "Apologies accepted"
This is just nice example of Tim and Pembelton's relationship, it has a real kind of weight about where you realise Frank loves Tim and respects him just from that look he gives, an almost blank stare - it just oozes perfection.

Scenes where available on Youtube (spoilers):
Babylon 5:
The Shield:
Homicide - Life on the Street: