Tuesday 21 December 2010

2010 - 2011 Television Season

My personal thoughts on the 2010-2011 TV season. (posted Nov.24th 2011)


Caprica - Season 1.5 - A-

What was, was is and would could of been. I really loved this second half of the one and only season, it really pushed the show further and had some interesting places to take the characters and tell the stories. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
Fave episode(s): Blowback / Apotheosis
Fate: Canceled

Stargate Universe - Season 2: Incomplete

I like what I saw but I never finished it, I think I still have 5 episodes left to watch which is nice, as I was so sad when it was axed.
Best episode(s): ?
Fate: Canceled

Being Human (US) - Season 1: Incomplete
This just grab as much as much the original version, I may go back any finish S1 at some point but I'm no hurry.
Best episode(s): ?
Fate: Renewed for Season 2

V - Season 2: C-
I'm really not bothered this has been axed, the last few episodes of season 2 got a little better but overall it wasn't worth it, if either of the seasons had been the full 22/24 episodes I wouldn't have made it all the way through. Boring two dimensional characters with a standstill plot killed the show.
Best episode(s): Mother's Day
Fate: Canceled

The Chicago Code: Incomplete
I don't know why I never finished this as I really liked it, but it seems kinda pointless now that it's long gone, hopefully this and TERRIERS will a DVD or Blu-ray release at some point.
Best episode(s): ?
Fate: Canceled.

Chuck - Season 4 - B-
Not quite as good as I'd hoped. Started off well but seemed to dip in and out of varying degrees of quality, while everyone loved episode 13 it just didn't sit well with me. That said despite Vivian's hollow motives I did mostly enjoy the final 11 episodes and am interested to see how they end things.
Best episode(s): Vs the Suitcase / Vs Phase Three / Vs the Last Details
Fate: 5th and Final season currently airing.

Friday Night Lights - Season 5: A+
I'm still in denial it's over, a great final outing a great show - it deserved nothing better. Two beefs though, the newbie (Harrington or something?) did nothing and was there to obviously just fill a void and the story with Epich (sp?) went nowhere, that's it. While of course I'll never like the new S4-5 kids as much as the S1-3 kids they did continue to grow on me this year, especially Becky. I loved her relationship with Mindy, they really felt like a family unit by the time Becky moved back home. The last episode was amazing, I would have maybe liked a moment between Laundry and Tyra but Laundry's ending was really in "Expectations" and he was (briefly) in the finale to serve a purpose, which he did. In the words of Coach... "I'm gonna miss this".
Best episode(s): Expectations / Don't Go / Always
Fate: Ended

Fringe - Season 3: A
Disappointing finale aside (save the last few minutes) this was a really stellar season, I loved delving more into the alt-universe and the writers did a great job of making those characters whole and more fleshed out. It's a shame then that season 4 hasn't been living up to Fringe's usual high quality.
Best episode(s): Entrada / Subject 13
Fate: Season 4 currently airing.

Glee - Season 2: D/Incomplete
Blah, blah and blaher! Glee became everything (and by the sounds of it more) I didn't want it to! I gave up after the Rocky Horror ep, fair thee well.
Best episode(s): Grilled Chesus
Fate: Season 3 currently airing.

How I Met Your Mother - Season 6: B+
The last few episode fell off a little bit but overall I thought while it didn't quite match s1-4, this year was much better than last. Though the tease of the mother is getting really annoying now, get it through your heads writers - THIS ISN'T LOST!
Best episode(s): Natural History / A Change of Heart
Fate: Season 7 currently + renewed for season 8.

Supernatural - Season 6: B
A bit of a messy season, lots of enjoyable stuff but this year really felt like and experiment that didn't quite work out, hoping next year is better as they seem to have some interesting stuff to lead into.
Best episode(s): Weekend at Bobby's / The French Mistake / The Man Who Knew Too Much
Fate: Season 7 currently airing.

The Event: D/Incomplete
When I first started this I knew it wasn't particularly well written and was pretty silly but the pilot got me excited, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it couldn't wait for episode 2, but soon after that it went from "enjoyable nonsense" to just "nonsense". Jason Ritter is a great actor and was fantastic on his PARENTHOOD arc but this show just doesn't work, I never got invested in the characters and it just feels sluggish and has got rather boring. Thankfully NBC canned it, and Jason Ritter is now back where he belongs, on PARENTHOOD!
Best episode(s): I Haven't Told You Everything (I guess)
Fate: Canceled

Nikita - Season 1: B+
This show has really grown on, I still don't love LOVE it but it has improved greatly on itself, Nikita has become my hot female ass kicking role model for the new age. I love how she is always ahead of Division, always knows exactly what to do in a pinch. Alex continues to grow on me, and I'll enjoyed seeing how fractured her reality becomes now she's an agent and how things imploded in on itself. It's not Buffy by any means but it's a start.
Best episode(s): Free / Pandora
Fate: Season 2 currently airing.


Doctor Who - Series 6: B+

Didn't quite work as well as Series 5, it felt like too much River Song stuff was being crammed in, I think it needs to slow down a bit for Series 7. There were some fantastic episodes but also some really sloppy ones, Moffat is perhaps pushing too hard on the mythology at this point.
Best episode(s): The Doctors Wife / A Good Man Goes to War / The Girl Who Waited
Fate: Renewed for series 7

Being Human (UK) - Series 3: A
The best series yet IMO, the Werewolf bullet arc was great and reveal of what it really was in the end was pretty cool, though I felt like they copped out and didn't deliver on the really cool ending of episode 7, but the very end of episode 8 made up for that. Series 4 should be a blast.
Best episode(s): The Longest Day / Through the Heavens Fall
Fate: Renewed for Series 4

Primeval - Series 4: C / Series 5: C+
This was a mixed bad, while in series 3 Becker was the bland "action man" this year he was much better written and more interesting. Jess was a nice addition and meshed well with the show, Matt didn't. He was about as interesting as a plank of wood, in fact I've seen planks of wood MORE interesting. The finale was disappointing as well, the wrap up to the Ethan arc was anti-climactic as was Danny's return, it felt like he just popped to say hi and prove his character was still alive and then had to bugger off back to his movie career. Series 5 was a slight improvement they made a few wrong moves though Matt did feel less plankish, it was never LOST or anything but they can do better than this! I'll still watch it if it comes back for Series 6.
Best episode(s): S4, Episode 2 / S5, Episode 2
Fate: Unknown


The Vampire Diaries - Season 1: A- / Season 2: A
Had no idea I would love this show, it's so entertaining and always keeps the twists and turns coming. It manages to successfully tell story without dragging it on and ON (*cough*True Blood*cough*). Elena can get a bit whiny sometimes but Caroline more than makes up for that, S3 has been stellar so far.
Best episode(s): Founder's Day / The Return / The Sun Also Rises
Fate: Season 3 currently airing.

Parenthood - Season 1: A / Season 2: A
I absolutely fell in love with this show as I knew I would, it works best when the drama is taken up a notch and everyone is arguing with each other and there was certainly a lot of that in season 2. All the performances are outstanding, it's a show that really grabs at me and I hope it stays on for a long time to come.
Best episode(s): Lost and Found / Don't Sleep With Your Autistic Nephews' Therapist
Fate: Season 3 currently airing.

Community - Season 1: A / Season 2: A+
OH. MY. GOD. Where has this show been all my life? I really liked season 1 but season 2 just knocked if out the park without dropping the ball once (mixed metaphor perhaps?). Any show that can do Paintball War, Zombies, stop motion and Lord of the Rings epicness needs a place in my heart. It always makes me laugh and I really feel like it's (though not strictly) tailored for someone like me, what with all the movie references and straight up WHOLE episodes devoted to referencing. This is one for the books. "Set Phasers to LOVE ME!"
Best episode(s): Modern Warfare / Epidemiology / Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Fate: Season 3 currently airing. (though things look shaky)

Spartacus: Blood & Sand: A / Gods of the Arena: A-
I really never would have thought I would have liked this but it really grows on you, first few episodes aren't so great but it really became an amazing show. It's just straight up entertaining, and it knows it! Rightly so as well, gratuitous sex, mass amounts of violence and lots of of use of the word "cock", whats not to love? It's not Shakespeare or anything but it's too fun not to enjoy, and can we just say Blood & Sand has one of the most brilliant and frankly rewarding finales ever which LITERALLY had me jumping out of my seat. Bravo! It's a shame Andy Whitfield can't return and has now passed away which really shocked me, I hope the new guy can live up to his high standards.
Best episode(s): Kill them All / The Bitter End
Fate: Renewed for Season 2 & 3

Misfits - Series 1: A- / Series 2: A
One the best British shows currently on, can't believe I blew this off originally (I seem to do that a lot). Brilliant characters and storytelling make for a fantastic show, wish the seasons could be more like 12/13 episodes each but there's not much I can do about that, E4 only has so much money.
Best episode(s): S1E4 / S2E6
Fate: Series 3 currently airing.

To look out for:


Apparently this is one of the better news shows of the 2011/2012 season, one I plan to watch.. at some point lol.