Thursday 24 June 2010

Favourite TV Episodes, Part II

Angel, Waiting in the Wings (Season 3)
A brilliantly crafted episode proves once again why Joss is the master, and man the end result of the Gunn/Fred/Wesley triangle was heart breaking, poor Wesley :(

Babylon 5, War Without End Pts I & II (Season 3)
This closed off a story from Season 1 that really nagged me and boy JMS did it brilliantly, the end had my jaw on the floor.

Doctor Who, Blink (Series 3)
While I loved the Weeping Angel's 2 part episodes from Series 5 this remains there definitive one with the (brilliant) companion that never was, it was also one of the few Dr. Who episodes to scare the crap out of me, bravo Mr. Moffat.

The Shield, Family Meeting (Season 7)
Not only one of the best series finales ever but one of The Shield's best episodes - I don't really want to say anything in fear of spoilers though.

Friday Night Lights, The Son (Season 4)
On par with Buffy's "The Body" in terms of the realism of dealing with death for sure, we all knew Zach Gilford was a fine actor (shower scene from Season 2 anyone?) but HOLY. COW.

True Blood, Release Me (Season 2)
Honestly I actaully remember nothing about this episode only that it blew me way (Did it involve a lot of Hoyt and Jessica?). I just remember thinking "The show will never be that good again" though hopefully Season 3 can prove me wrong.

Lost, Flashes Before Your Eyes (Season 3)
Yes another Desmond episode, this was one of Lost's most intriguing and compelling episodes showing people that Lost has not (for lack of a better word) lost it's way. Can we please just give him a spin-off already?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, This Years Girl/Who Are You? (Season 4)
To be honest baring a few I could probably choose any episode of Buffy, but I wanted to take something from S4 because I know people dislike it. This 2 parter was great, both SMG and Eliza where brilliant at playing each other, and Faith's (in Buffy's body) interaction with Spike was